Sigma Alum Spotlight: D. M. Stevens M.S. NA#1

I recently had the pleasure of diving into “The Essentials of Personal Finance for Teens and Young Adults: Master Money Management, Gain Financial Literacy, & Lay The Foundation For Success” a phenomenal personal finance book tailored specifically for teens and young adults. Authored by one of our very own sorority sisters, UCI alum Domonique Marie Stevens M.S. (Nu Alpha #1), this book is an absolute gem that strikes the perfect balance between engaging storytelling and practical financial wisdom.

From the moment I opened its pages, I was captivated by the relatable anecdotes and real-life examples that effortlessly guide readers through the often daunting world of personal finance. Our sorority sister’s writing style is not only approachable but also empowering, making it easy for readers of all backgrounds to connect with the concepts and feel inspired to take control of their financial futures.


What truly sets this book apart is its relevance to the unique challenges faced by young adults today. From budgeting tips for managing college expenses to insightful guidance on starting to invest early, this book covers all the essential bases. It equips readers with the knowledge and confidence needed to make informed decisions about their money, setting them up for success in the long run.

As a Sigma, I couldn’t be prouder of our sister for sharing her expertise and passion for personal finance in such a compelling manner. “The Essentials of Personal Finance for Teens and Young Adults: Master Money Management, Gain Financial Literacy, & Lay The Foundation For Success” isn’t just a book; it’s a valuable tool that empowers us to navigate the financial landscape with confidence and clarity. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to everyone, whether you’re just starting out on your financial journey or looking to enhance your money management skills.

Kudos to our amazing sister for making a positive impact with this insightful read!

Janette Galaviz Alpha Iota #3
Finance Chair 
Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alum Association